I'm a multidisciplinary designer who...

Every designer says the same thing on their about sections on their websites so I'll do my best to keep it concise. If you'd like to hear more about me then I'd love to chat some more, and not on an 'about' page.
Every designer says the same thing on their about sections, so I'll keep mine concise.

I'm a designer. Wait - no sorry, not like an engineer or an interior designer or whatever; I specialize in conceptual and visual solutions to problems pertaining to the exchange of visual information and ideas. In less hoity-toity terms, I love nice looking things and the process involved with making those things. I especially love the flexibility of design and it's solutions, and I have a particular fondness for the tools and methods we can use to realize those solutions.
Design has been a way for me to get in front of problems (and to beat them to a pulp), continually improving not only technically, with the use of software and technology like AI driven tools, animation, or 3d stuff, but also in my ability to dynamically problem solve and think creatively.

I'm a designer. Wait - no sorry, not like an engineer or an interior designer - a graphic designer. *Sigh* yes sort of like your nephew that made your business card in Canva.
Design has been a way for me to get in front of (and kill) problems, continually improving both technically, with the use of software and technology like AI driven tools, animation, or 3d stuff, but also with my ability to dynamically problem solve and think creatively.

See my CV

Reach out via email

Email me.

Get in touch and I'll get back to you asap.

Off topic, but did you know that companies will take your email from these forms and sell that information to data brokers? That's crazy haha, anyway, chat soon.

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